Monday, December 22, 2008

route, draft 1

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K. said...

I am excited that this route includes Chicago! When are you pondering this for?

Carrie said...

Next summer. I hope you're in town! I don't know how long we'll be stopping, but we'll definitely need a guide and advice for Chicago. I'm really excited about that part of the trip! Even though it's -1 there right now.

K. said...

It'll be warmer in the summer... at least, one would hope. I'll let you know my summer schedule once I know it. Now I know that I will definitely be out of town Aug 7-25 as already have plane tickets bought and a trip booked for then (to Alaska).

As for paper writing... Robin McKinley books really do not help, lovely though they are. What you need to do is ban outside reading, read the stuff you need for your paper, then sit down determinedly and write the darn thing. I find it useful to put very metered classical music on repeat during this process. Schumann is good. Also Bach. Good luck!

Jamie said...

Tulsa! I am so excited!