Monday, August 14, 2006

did you see what god just did to us?

i don't think flat is the word for what happened to my tired yesterday. you know how you see those shredded tires by the side of the road every so often? it's very exciting when that happens to you. The pavement was hot as we looked for a place to put the jack. The jack was ~%75 rust, making the tire change almost as thrilling as the initial incident.

I've written and erased 5 separate paragraphs. I believe all I wanted to talk about was the tire.

I'm a path of cinders
Burning under your feet


Anonymous said...

I appreciate the "tired"/"tire" connection you made...intentional or not. :)

Carrie said...

nope, not at all intentional. very tired. it's been a long... well, month. and my fingers/subconscious recognize that better than i do!

Anonymous said...

My brother's tire erupted too! There was a humungous nail in it

Carrie said...

so did Jamie's!! spooky...