Saturday, January 24, 2009

I came down with an extremely sudden sinus infection, so that in T+2 hours from the first bloody nose, I had a toothache, and T+4 hours I was in the bathtub weeping from a painful headache. ENTER*. However, Battlestar was good--saw the premiere finally. ENTER So, I got my needed 12 hours of sleep, approximately (punctuated by a 7am cookie-breakfast). Now I am drinking my Mexican Coke (yay!), and thinking about reading one of my textbooks (boo!). But which one? Reading the global marketing book, while fascinating, has the magical property of sending me to sleep for up to 7 hours after 4 pages. The others are just incomprehensible gibberish, even though I have dull suspicions that they're actually interesting topics. Labor economics? Program Evalution? Advanced Management? Inequality in America? Don't these sound interesting? Don't they sound like MBA classes (except for the last one, unless the last one were more like "How to increase inequality in America?" no that's mean, some MBAs are really good-doers after all)? I'm actually taking 2 classes in the business school. ENTER Will my enter key ever work again? Will I continue having a coke a day until I develop diabetes (which I just, vicariously, had my cat tested for--all clear thank goodness)? Will I ever read these books? What will my D&D character have been doing while I was away at break? Will Ladybird ever find the thing she's looking for under the dresser? Stay tuned. *(my enter key isn't working for some reason)


K. said...

When it is hard to read things, I find it useful to read in the bathtub. It helps me focus, and makes fear of drowning a very real impediment to sleep. You might give it a whirl.

Carrie said...

you can't fool my brain! I fell asleep twice in the tub last night. I have no sense of self-preservation.

K. said...

That's highly worrisome. Also, Spindle's End is lovely :)

Carrie said...

My friend calls what I do "anywhere-sleeping." I know it probably seems unsafe to fall asleep in water, but I think it's my superpower (water, buses, coffee shops, wherever, really). Narcolepsy-Girl to the rescue! Just after this nap...