Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mussoorie, post-non-mortem

A further entry to May 26's brief pre-mortem entry. We spent the day at the Lal Bahadur Shastri Academy, and Mussoorie where it's located. After a tummy-hurling bus trip up the side of the Himalayan foothills, we arrived. I had true adrenaline surges if I looked over the edge of the cliffs as we went around the hairpin curves. I had a bracing position in mind, and I tried to tell myself that was all I could do to prepare for the worst and should take my mind off it, but easier said than done. Hence, on the ride back, I wrote my goodbye note, feeling sad that my cats would never know what happened. During the ride itself, which was much faster, and in the dark with one headlight, Kate and I made very fast conversation with the express purpose to keep our minds off it. The town Mussoorie was nice, but nothing was as nice as the dinner at the hotel, where I stuffed myself on what turned out to be the tandoor appetizers, and had both fish and chicken because it was a very special evening. They even had Pepsis, for $4. Four dollars! The Academy was potentially useful, but it was hard to guage from the people we met if it's a real possibility, or how helpful it really would be.

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